With a pub night at the Dangling Prussian on the radar for January 14th, a lot of planning and recruiting is about to get set into motion, and as with any event being organized, one starts to form a mental wish list. And in the spotlight's glow in the center of mine is one big thing: A Sherlockian stand-up comic. Or two. (What can I say? If one bombs, I want back-up.)
We don't seem to have a lot of existing Sherlockian stand-up comedians. We have singers. I've seen Sherlockian magicians. We have actors. And we have funny writers, YouTubers, and generally amusing conversationalists. But a Sherlockian stand-up comedian?
I don't know that we have that. But I really, really, REALLY want one for that Dangling Prussian pub night. Enough so that if one doesn't exist already, I'm prepared to build one. Get a writing team together. Start watching Zooms closely for natural screen presence. Rehearse. Screen test. Whatever. So if one doesn't turn up . . . well, extreme lengths have been gone to for Sherlockian causes in the past. It's who we are.
Sure, it's not going to work as well as a naturally talented comic with the desire and experience at the art form, but, hey, this is the Sherlockian world. Our audiences aren't exactly the catcalling roughest-part-of-the-NYC-comedy-clubs sort. (Though nature might create the natural adversary of the stand-up comic, just because we brought one into the ecosystem.) I think we can get a passable excuse for a comic together, one way or the other.
So if you have any inclinations in that direction, or would like to help write some jokes for such a rare creature, let me know. Going to be using the old podcast email for official Prussian business in the next couple of months, so leave a comment below or drop an email to sherlockholmesisrealpodcast@gmail.com
*Added note. There are no plans to record ANY of the Pub Night at the Dangling Prussian, so that our guests, entertainment, and staff feel free to express themselves in whatever elaborate Victorian curses they should so desire. (Hey, we saw Deadwood!) It is a pub night after all.
I know this joke about a tent... :-)